The following nonprofit organizations support and will be present at the International Forum:

Groupe d’Action des Centres Extra-Hospitaliers des Centres Pratiquant des Avortements (GACEHPA)

The Groupe d’Action des Centres Extra-Hospitaliers Pratiquant l’Avortement (GACEHPA), gathers 22 French-speaking centers from Brussels and Wallonia that perform abortion in Belgium, outside of hospitals.

Those centers are also family planning clinics. The GACEHPA coordinates action and solidarity between those centers, organizes training and retraining for the various contributors and campaigns for the right to abortion in Belgium and abroad.

Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique (CFFB)

Consisting of about fifty women organizations and individual members, the CFFB is a pluralist organization of life-long education, certified by the French-speaking Community of Belgium which benefits from the support of the Institute for the Equality of women and men whose objectives are:

  • To gather, bring together, represent women and women associations, from all backgrounds, opinions and situations in order to promote their rights and their social, cultural, political and economic interests, according to their independence;
  • To cooperate with other private or public associations, organizations, institutions, organisms, at the regional, community, national and international level, regarding equality between women and men.

Fédération des Centres de Planning Familial (FCPF) des Femmes Prévoyantes Socialistes

The Fédération des Centres de Planning Familial (FCPF) des Femmes Prévoyantes Socialistes was founded in 1984 in order to create a counter power and a specific and secular representation in the fields of contraception, responsible parenthood, abortion and equal affective and sexual relationship. The Federation’s goals is to coordinate and promote the actions of its 17 family planning centers and its two head offices in Brussels and Wallonia, including 8 centers performing abortion. The Federation also carries out various actions and publications: campaigns, surveys, brochures, events, etc.

Plateforme Abortion Right

The Abortion Right Platform gathers partners associations to defend the right to abortion in Europe. This right as well as women’s liberty to choose to carry on with a pregnancy or not is a benefit. The Abortion Right Platform refuses for this benefit to be challenged.

 « Elles sans frontières » ASBL

« Elles sans frontières » is a Polish feminist nonprofit organization founded in Belgium, in 2015.
It organized the “Congress of Polish women in Belgium” (2015, 2016 and 2017). The fourth congress will take place in Brussels, in October 2018. The organization focuses on empowering Polish women living in Belgium and organizes various workshops in this domain (self-defense, sexuality, etc.)

Given the current situation in Poland, « Elles sans frontières » is currently working on feminist activities and collaborations regarding the access to abortion.